การแปลภาษา ภาษาไทย เป็นภาษา ภาษาอังกฤษแสดงอักขระอังกฤษ
I went to Australia for the "immemorial นัก" try to fix it .. "TAFE institution created Australia, to tell you .... I see people passing the most popular college graduate, especially graduate concluded it must return home. It does not work support.
(With just the fields. He has worked well, but by the Accounting outside the "kick it back in myself jobless ")... But many people still do not know that similar vocational home TAFE us The training courses to learn to call that "teaching to real work. Not just books, which is a multi-task to learn as many foreigners as Chefs After completing the course I worked as a chef luxury. Salary is a hundred. "
Interesting issues of TAFE is to create Apprenticeship is a student to go training with the business entity, all professions, the textbook already is working with about four years I will Qualify as a "professional career that" from Builder,. Plummer, Electrician, new car Cho Chang, Cook ... this point, I think. "Thailand's take an example to study the distribution of TAFE ..... it will spread to every city.
--- This itself is the "foundation of knowledge distribution, the gap of social .. Problems in our education is. "Knowledge, it does not apply to real business," but he is out of the TAFE teaching business forward, then it is supplemented with TAFE in academia.
Then move the level of expertise so on the TAFE year will pay a lot was (and is increasingly expensive and we are in the professional Qualify them) - that this is an encouraging point. Businesses want to hire. Apprenticeship of TAFE as a child get good wages is supported by governments, such as lower taxes for businesses that employ apprentice of TAFE.
We look, but other home Entrance (it does not match the business need it) I also like that we took home ครับ "eloquent orator dare .. to formulate policies, it will have to work to do.
.. But if anyone has a chance send their children to study in Australia, I suggest try looking at some TAFE (seems to be an interesting alternative ครับ) .. "The success I think. The courage to do something different. If (your age) may be too late. Chance (baby) You also ครับ .... "